We offer the BCI certification course which includes the option to sit the CBCI examination as part of the five day programme. The course includes sample examination questions which are studied in detail during the course. The CBCI examination is held on the Friday afternoon of the course; however the examination is optional and need only be undertaken within three months subsequent to registration.
The course is specifically designed to underpin the CBCI examination. Please refer to the “CBCI Examination Notes” below.
This course is a valuable tool in understanding the processes and practical steps to follow when establishing a BCM program. Taking the candidates through the phases of Business Continuity Management in a logical, understandable manner, this course will ensure that each attendee is familiar with the objectives of each phase and prepared to lead or assist their organization’s BCM project team.
This course is designed to meet the needs of Business Continuity Professionals at any stage in their careers. The beginner benefits from a solid description of the methodology whereas the experienced professional gains a complete understanding of the leading developments in business continuity management and the opportunity to learn with fellow BCM professionals. The attendee will also be well positioned in their preparations for the BCI examination.
NOTE: This course is delivered under licence from The Business Continuity Institute (BCI). The BCI retains all rights to the intellectual property of the material. The material cannot be duplicated in part or whole, either physically or electronically.
The license is not transferable to another organisation without express permission from the BCI. The course provider should ensure that their courses are always listed on the BCI website.
View Course Outline
The official BCI Course Outline can be e-mailed to you upon request.
Obtaining the CBCI certificate is now mandatory before BC Practitioners can apply for BCI accreditation. On successful completion of the certification (depending on the number of years’ experience) you can join the BCI as either AMBCI or MBCI.
The pass level for this exam is 70%. To qualify as a Member (MBCI) or higher, delegates must achieve a “pass with merit” which is 85%. The CBCI credit stands for “Certified by the Business Continuity Institute”.
This is available as an on-line examination offered by the BCI, however as Licenced Training Partners, Mark Penberthy & Associates are authorised to offer a paper and pencil version of the CBCI examination; this is held on the Friday afternoon of each course, subject to confirmation. Delegates who elect to sit the paper and pencil examination must book in advance and confirm one week before the event.
Examination papers are sourced from the UK and the completed papers are sent to the UK to be marked. The course facilitator is not permitted to perform the role of Chief Examiner. A proctor is appointed to invigilate every examination.
Examination rules must be adhered to: please review the BCI’s Candidate Information Pack which is accessible via the BCI’s website.
The 2 hour BCI Certificate examination is made up of 120 multiple choice questions. The concepts and topic areas of the examination were derived from an analysis study of the BCI’s Good Practice Guidelines 2013 completed by BCI Subject Matter Experts (SMEs). Each question lists four possible answers, only one of which is the correct or “best possible answer.”
BCI Certification Course
Course Title
BCI “Good Practice Guidelines” Training Course
Course Description
We offer the BCI certification course which includes the option to sit the CBCI examination as part of the five day programme. The course includes sample examination questions which are studied in detail during the course. The CBCI examination is held on the Friday afternoon of the course; however the examination is optional and need only be undertaken within three months subsequent to registration.
The course is specifically designed to underpin the CBCI examination. Please refer to the “CBCI Examination Notes” below.
This course is a valuable tool in understanding the processes and practical steps to follow when establishing a BCM program. Taking the candidates through the phases of Business Continuity Management in a logical, understandable manner, this course will ensure that each attendee is familiar with the objectives of each phase and prepared to lead or assist their organization’s BCM project team.
This course is designed to meet the needs of Business Continuity Professionals at any stage in their careers. The beginner benefits from a solid description of the methodology whereas the experienced professional gains a complete understanding of the leading developments in business continuity management and the opportunity to learn with fellow BCM professionals. The attendee will also be well positioned in their preparations for the BCI examination.
NOTE: This course is delivered under licence from The Business Continuity Institute (BCI). The BCI retains all rights to the intellectual property of the material. The material cannot be duplicated in part or whole, either physically or electronically.
The license is not transferable to another organisation without express permission from the BCI. The course provider should ensure that their courses are always listed on the BCI website.
View Course Outline
The official BCI Course Outline can be e-mailed to you upon request.
Please click here to view our Frequently Asked Questions. (FAQ’s)
View Course on BCI Website
The BCI course schedules may be viewed by clicking on the following link:http://www.thebci.org/index.php/training-education/coursefinder/find-a-course/category/35-good-practice-guidelines-training-course-cbci
Course Duration
Five days.
CBCI Examination Notes
Obtaining the CBCI certificate is now mandatory before BC Practitioners can apply for BCI accreditation. On successful completion of the certification (depending on the number of years’ experience) you can join the BCI as either AMBCI or MBCI.
The pass level for this exam is 70%. To qualify as a Member (MBCI) or higher, delegates must achieve a “pass with merit” which is 85%. The CBCI credit stands for “Certified by the Business Continuity Institute”.
This is available as an on-line examination offered by the BCI, however as Licenced Training Partners, Mark Penberthy & Associates are authorised to offer a paper and pencil version of the CBCI examination; this is held on the Friday afternoon of each course, subject to confirmation. Delegates who elect to sit the paper and pencil examination must book in advance and confirm one week before the event.
Examination papers are sourced from the UK and the completed papers are sent to the UK to be marked. The course facilitator is not permitted to perform the role of Chief Examiner. A proctor is appointed to invigilate every examination.
Examination rules must be adhered to: please review the BCI’s Candidate Information Pack which is accessible via the BCI’s website.
The 2 hour BCI Certificate examination is made up of 120 multiple choice questions. The concepts and topic areas of the examination were derived from an analysis study of the BCI’s Good Practice Guidelines 2013 completed by BCI Subject Matter Experts (SMEs). Each question lists four possible answers, only one of which is the correct or “best possible answer.”
Course Schedules
Please click here to view Certification Course Schedules.